CGA Glow in the Dark Skate Party!
Thursday, January 24
6:00 to 8:00 PM
Skate Zone 71 (4900 Evanswood Dr. Columbus, OH 43229)
$3 admission / $3 skate rental ($4 for roller blades)
Wear your favorite light or neon-colored clothing to show up under the black light at the Glow in the Dark Skating Party for CGA students and families, Thursday, January 24 from 6-8pm!
Admission is $3, with proceeds of admission benefiting the CGA PTO!
The Cafe will have hot pizza, hot dogs, nachos, pretzels, ICEES and more. Laser Tag and the Game Room will be open!
Family and friends are welcome too. Adults who don’t skate can come in for free!
We hope to see you there and please share this event!